The Apollo program was designed to
land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to
Earth. Six of the missions (Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,
and 17) achieved this goal. Apollos 7 and 9 were Earth
orbiting missions to test the Command and Lunar Modules,
and did not return lunar data. Apollos 8 and 10 tested
various components while orbiting the Moon, and returned
photography of the lunar surface. Apollo 13 did not land
on the Moon due to a malfunction, but also returned
photographs. The six missions that landed on the Moon
returned a wealth of scientific data and almost 400
kilograms of lunar samples. Experiments included soil
mechanics, meteoroids, seismic, heat flow, lunar
ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind experiments.

This Apollo 10
very vinatge NASA red serial
numbered photo shows Gene
Cernan & Tom Stafford during
simulation training in April
1969. This image has
been hand signed by both
Cernan & Stafford as seen in
the scan. This vintage
photo is in pristine
condition and also bears the
NASA Vector with image
information on the reverse
side. Very rare signed in
this state and highly sought
after. Measures 10" x
8". This will never
need to be upgraded.
#Apollo 10 - Cernan/Stafford
in Simulator

Official NASA
Mission Report (NASA EP-70)
published in June, 1969.
It is 12 pages long and in
excellent condition.
Making this most desirable
is that the cover is hand
signed by Apollo 10 crew
members Tom Stafford and
Gene Cernan who adds mission
Signatures are strong and
#Apollo 10 - Mission Report
Offered here
is a vintage NASA red
stamped photo measuring 8"x10"
with purple info on back.
ISignatures havve been
executed in bold black
sharpie. I would
consider it's condition as
Striking to say the least.
#Apollo 10
Crew Signed Mission Emblem
official NASA glossy of Gene
Cernan and Tom Stafford in
CM Trainer preparing for
their upcoming Apollo 10
flight. NASA purple
information is on reverse.
Beautifully hand signed in
black sharpie by Cernan and
Stafford. One half
moon dent from handling that
is not at all easily visible
and does not in any way
detract. A beautifully
produced photo showing the
console in amazing detail
with it's many switches and
#Apollo 10 - Cernan/Stafford

Offered here is a tough to come
by Apollo 10 crew signed photo
on a NASA official "Worm"
glossy. Cernan, Young and
Stafford hand signed in bold
black sharpie. In great
shape as you can see in the scan
with usual NASA info on back.
#Apollo 10 - Crew A

This Apollo 10 crew signed
official NASA litho showing the
back side of the Moon is hand
signed by Gernan, Young and
Stafford. It is signed in
bold black sharpie with the
signatures in fabulous contrast
to the image. Awesome
#Apollo 10 - Crew B

This amazing
image is hand signed by the
entire flight crew of Tom
Stafford, Gene Cernan and John
Young. The inscription to
Theo is
written by Stafford.
Beautiful condition.
#Apollo 10 - Crew

From the
personal archives of Gordon
Cooper, Apollo 10, Back-Up, CDR
MSC Internal Note #69-FM-139
Apollo 10 Spacecraft Dispersion
Volume 4, Rendezvous
Dispersion Analysis
NASA, May 14th, 1969, 45 pages
This is from
Gordon Cooper's personal
training notebook regarding
Apollo 10, for which he was the
back up commander. The
manual is signed by Cooper who
writes, "From my Apollo X
notebook. Gordon Cooper B.U.
CDR." It is also signed by
Tom Stafford who adds, "CDR".
Stafford was the Apollo X
mission commander. The
staples have been removed.
#Apollo 10 -
Dispersion from the Cooper

see also (Gemini
6A, Gemini 9A & ASTP
all measure 8x10 unless specified

Candid White
Space Suit portrait of General
Stafford taken during a Lunar
Module Simulator excercise in
perparing for his upcoming
Apollo 10 mission. This
very vintage NASA press release
glossy with the purple stamped
meatball and photo information
on reverse. It is hand
signed in bold black sharpie and
measures 8" x 10".
#Stafford -
Apollo 10 Simulator Training

This is the one
everyone wants. It's
General Tom Stafford's official
NASA red stamped WSS portrait.
This 8x10 photo in outstanding
condition and hand signed in
black sharpie with mission
information added. Tough
to find and a real keeper for
any collection.
Stafford - Apollo
10 WSS Red Stamped

As above this is
General Tom Stafford's WSS
portrait. This 8x10 glossy
photo is hand signed in bold
blue sharpie across his space
suit. In pristine
#Stafford -
Apollo 10 WSS Glossy

As above this is
General Tom Stafford's WSS
portrait. This 8x10 glossy
photo is hand signed in bold
blue sharpie across his space
suit. In pristine
condition with mission
information added.
#Stafford -
Apollo 10 WSS Glossy

This beautiful
suit up photo of General Tom
Stafford' in the suit up room is
hand signed in bold blue sharpie
in outstanding contrast with
mission information added.
Measures 8x10. Pristine.
#Stafford -
Apollo 10 Suit Up

This artful photo
of Tom Stafford' through his
helmet is beautifully hand
signed in bold blue sharpie in
sharp contrast to the image.
Measures 8x10. Pristine.
#Stafford -
Apollo 10 Helmet View
8" x 10" photo of a Charles
Schultz Charlie Brown cartoon
speaks for "itself" by virtue of
it's Apollo theme. In
addition, it's hand signed by
Tom Stafford "himself" who I'm
sure you know was the Apollo 10,
A beautiful, clear signature in
outstanding contrast to the
image. This is quite
unique though it couldn't
possibly have a better tie in to
Project Apollo for which Snoopy
was the mascot. I only
have one of these in stock and
somehow you'll not see another
anywhere. Awesome
conversation piece for any
autograph collection.
#Stafford -
Apollo 10 Stafford/Snoopy
John Young
see also (Gemini 3, 10, 15, STS-1,
all measure 8x10 unless specified

John Young
hand signed ISP on NASA
litho 8x10. Long
Absolutely beautiful
#John Young Blue Jumpsuit

see also (Gemini 9A & Apollo10
all measure 8x10 unless specified

Offered here is a beautiful
glossy photo of Gene Cernan in
Apollo space suit. It is
hand signed boldly in blue
sharpie with Apollo X & Apollo
XVII added.

This is an glossy photo of Gene
Cernan in Apollo space suit.
It is boldly hand signed in blue
sharpie with Apollo X & XVII

This is an official vintage NASA
press release photo of Gene
Cernan in Apollo 10 space suit.
It is boldly hand signed in blue
sharpie with Apollo X, LMP
added. The usual purple NASA
information is stamped on the
reverse. Measrues 8"x10"
and is in beautiful condition.
#EC- Cernan 10 - 432

Offered here is a photo of the
rarest variety. It is a
vintage NASA red stamped color
photo of the Apollo 10 recovery
following splashdown. It is in
fabulous condition and boldly
signed by Gene Cernan who adds
Apollo X, LMP. Purple NASA
information on reverse.
#EC Apollo10-3