The Apollo program was designed to
land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to
Earth. Six of the missions (Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,
and 17) achieved this goal. Apollos 7 and 9 were Earth
orbiting missions to test the Command and Lunar Modules,
and did not return lunar data. Apollos 8 and 10 tested
various components while orbiting the Moon, and returned
photography of the lunar surface. Apollo 13 did not land
on the Moon due to a malfunction, but also returned
photographs. The six missions that landed on the Moon
returned a wealth of scientific data and almost 400
kilograms of lunar samples. Experiments included soil
mechanics, meteoroids, seismic, heat flow, lunar
ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind experiments.

Rusty Schweickart, Dave Scott
and James McDivitt hand sign
this crew portrait with the
launch pad behind them prior to
their upcoming flight. This is a
lesser seen but terrfic crew
signed image and making it even
more desirable is that it's a
vintage NASA red stamped photo.
This image was dedicated to
NASA's Mel Brooks. Mel had
a long and distinguished carreer
with NASA. Among other
things, he served as an Agena
flight controller during Gemini
and assistant chief of
experiments systems/ payload
operations for Apollo. He
was well respected and mentioned
throughout Gene Kranz's book,
"Failure Is Not An Option".
Signatures are very strong and
photo is in excellent condition. Measures 8"x10".
#Apollo 9 Crew (a)
Rusty Schweickart, Dave Scott
and James McDivitt hand sign
this awesome mission image taken
during the recovery phase. This
is a lesser seen but terrfic
crew signed image.
Signatures are signed in
sharpie. Measures 8"x10"
and in pristine condition.
#Apollo 9 Crew Recovery
Jim McDivitt
see also, Gemini
4 & Apollo 9
all measure 8x10 unless specified
Rare vintage
NASA red numbered glossy
showing James McDivitt in
training for his upcoming
Apollo 9 mission. This
photo is in pristine
condition and hand signed in
McDivitt's classic green
style. NASA
information on reverse.
An awesome photo and rarely
seen in this vintage form.
This vintage NASA
litho of James McDivitt shown in
his white space suit portrait
measures 8"x10" and is signed in
his trademark green ink style.

This 8"
x 10" photo has been dedicated
to Scott Carpenter by his long
time friend Jim McDivitt.
This come directly from the
Carpenter Family Collection.
It is signed in black sharpie
and is in pristine condition.
#McDivitt- Carpenter
Rare vintage
NASA numbered glossy showing
James McDivitt in his
business suit.
McDivitt hand signs in bold
black sharpie and adds both
of his missions. This is one
that will NEVER need to be
upgraded. Simply
beautiful condition.
Very vintage
NASA red stamped photo of
McDivitt in military
uniform. Hand signed
by green. This rare
glossy is in pristine
Embassy Press
Photo (stamped as such on
back) showing James McDivitt
with his family. Hand
signed in green and in
pristine condition.
Jim McDivitt hand signed white
index card. Signature is
bold black ballpoint.

8x10 photo of
McDivitt in flight during
Apollo 9 w/ mission
information added.
8x10 photo of
McDivitt in Apollo 9 space
suit w/ mission information
added. Signed in bold
blue sharpie with perfect
8x10 Apollo 9
crew photo w/ mission
information added.
Ideal for having completed
by rest of crew.
8x10 Apollo 9
crew photo w/ mission
information added. Ideal for
having completed by rest of
card #0018 hand signed in blue
card #0160 hand signed in blue
Dave Scott
see also, Gemini
8 & Apollo 15
all measure 8x10 unless specified

Classic image
of Dave Scott during his
Apollo 9 EVA. Great
detail and an awesome Earth
view below. This is an
often published image and is
well known to most all fans
of the manned space program.
Hand signed in blue sharpie
with mission information
#Apollo 9 -
Scott EVA

all measure 8x10 unless specified
Vintage NASA
photo taken post splashdown
showing Rusty exiting the craft
and climbing into the life raft.
Measures 8" x 10" and is
beautiful condition.
Testing the Lunar
Module in Earth orbit.
Rusty hand signs in black
sharpie and adds mission
information. Measures 8" x
10". Very nice.
Vintage NASA
photo taken just prior to
splashdown. Rusty
inscribes, "Splashdown on
3/13/69...Rusty Schweickart,
Apollo 9, LMP". Pristine
Classic white
space suit portrait of Rusty
Schweickart. Hand signed
in blue sharpie with mission
information added.
Classic white
space suit portrait of Rusty
Schweickart on an official NASA
litho. Hand signed in fine
point blue sharpie.
#RS-NASA Litho
Wonderful image
of Rusty practicing emergency
egress on 1/23/69. He
boldly inscribes the bottom
border accordingly in blue
sharpie. Very strking
image of Schweickart. Is quite
Vintage NASA
litho of Rusty in a business
suit. Ignore the moire
pattern as it's caused by the
scanner. This litho is
actually exceptional in every
way. Hand signed in black
Glossy business suit photo
of Rusty. Boldly
hand signed in black
sharpie. Measures 8x10.
#Apollo 9 RS- 314

Candid moment with mission
information added. Awesome
portrait of Rusty in spacesuit.
Signed in bold black sharpie.
Terrific Apollo 9
EVA image. Mission
information added. Hand
signed in gold paint pen.
Classic Apollo 9
EVA image. Mission
information added. Hand
signed in gold paint pen.
Personalized inscription on
an official NASA litho.
Hand signed in blue
#RS - 215
hand signs a latter day NASA
press release photo.
Beautiful condition.
Measures 8"x10.5".
Usual stamped identifying
information on backside
#RS -
Personalized inscription on
an official vintage NASA press
release photo
with stamped identifying
information on backside
Vintage NASA
litho showing Apollo 9
scenes w/mission information
added. Other crew
menbers could be added to