Farthest Reaches is most pleased to offer artifacts
for sale, from the personal collection of Apollo 13
EECOM Sy Liebergot. Sy was the Lead EECOM Flight
Controller for Apollo missions 12 - 15 and an EGIL
(Skylab EECOM) for all of the Skylab program missions.
On the international scene, Sy was the Lead EECOM for
the American-Russian Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)
As EECOM in Mission Control during Apollo 13, Sy was
at the focal point of the crisis when the spacecraft
oxygen tank exploded. He has advised and contributed to
several books concerning Apollo 13 including
the movie, Apollo 13.

Just below the personal artifacts that follow,
you'll find a wonderful selection of photos hand
signed specifically for Farthest Reaches by Apollo
EECOM, Sy Liebergot. The items span Sy's NASA
career and include some of his best known quotes.
No one has a better selection to offer collectors
and all are unquestionably hand signed by Sy himself
Skunk Works Access Badge issued to and
used by Sy Liebergot.
Exceptionally rare!
#Liebergot Skunk Works Badge
photo ID issued to and used by Sy
#Liebergot Skunk Works Badge
here is a vintage "package" of
Turtle Club memorabilia from the
personal collection of Sy Liebergot.
These are Sy Liebergot's "worn" Turtle
cuff links and his two vintage Turtle
Club Membership Cards. Turtle Club
memorabilia is in high demand these days
and most desirable are those items owned
or used by anyone notable connected to
the space program. These most
personal mementoes will be accompanied
by a hand signed letter of authenticity
by Apollo EECOM, Sy Liebergot.
#Liebergot Turtle Club

American Flag flown aboard Skylab 1973 -
1974. This flag is mounted on a
presentation as pictured was presented
to Skylab EGIL, Sy Liebergot for his
contributions toward the success of the
Skylab Program. Flag and
certificate are in excellent condition.
Issued: February 1981
Issued by: Christopher Kraft
Measures 14" x 11"
#Liebergot Skylab Flag

(Columbia) award certificate as issued
to Sy Liebergot is accompanied by a
Manned Flight Awareness medallion
containing flown medal that mission.
Soft bend to upper right quadrant
otherwise in excellent condition.
Issued: not dated
Issued by: John Young & Bob Crippen
Measures 8.5" x 11"
#Liebergot STS-1 MFA
This vintage NASA litho of the STS-1
launch hand signed by John Young and
Bob Crippen comes from Sy's personal
collection. Sy had it
personalized by the crew for a
friend, but circumstances prevented
it from changing hands until being
turned over to Farthest Reaches for
it's sale. Measures 10"x 8"
#STS-1 Litho
A few different striking color
photographs of Bruce McCandless
during his famous MMU EVA are
This on is a representative sample.
Others will be emails upon request. Images measure
11" x 14".
#Liebergot McCandless EVA
Mission Control Room Access Badge used
by Sy Liebergot
(Columbia: 11/12 -
11/14, 1981)
#Liebergot STS-2 Badge
Mission Control Room Access Badge
used by Sy Liebergot
11/12 - 11/14, 1981)
#Liebergot STS-4 Badge
Mission Control Room Access Badge
used by Sy Liebergot
11/11 - 11/16, 1982)
#Liebergot STS-4 Badge
Certificate of Commendation for
contributions toward success of the
ASTP Mission as Lead Flight
Issue Date: 12/75
Issued by: Christopher Kraft,
Director, JSC
Measures 11"x14"
#Liebergot ASTP Commendation
The items that follow have
all been hand signed
specifically for
Farthest Reaches by Sy Liebergot
Mission Control, Flight
Controller, Apollo 13 EECOM
Click here to
read the bio of Sy Liebergot

Instrumentation Problem?
Sy's inscribes his own words
as Apollo 13 EECOM,
immediately after the
explosion. Turned out
to be a bit of an
understatement wouldn't you
say ?!!
Note: Dust marks/streaking
are scanner artifacts.
Actual photo is perfect.

Special: Signed
by Sy Liebergot AND Eugene
Kranz, Flight Director!
Apollo 13 - Damaged Service
Hand signed by Sy Liebergot AND
Gene Kranz ("Flight") with Sy's
actual words to "Flight" (words
which by the way, Sy points out,
he will never live down :)
Note: Dust
marks/streaking are scanner
artifacts. Actual images
are perfect.

"Flight, We'd better think about gettin' in
the LM", 4/13/70
Another of Sy's Apollo EECOM
quotes, spoken to Gene Kranz
as it became apparent that
the key to the crew's
survival was to move into
what would become their
lifeboat...the Lunar
Note: Dust marks/streaking
are scanner artifacts.
Actual images are perfect.

Special: Signed by Eugene Kranz
& Sy Liebergot, Apollo EECOM !
Apollo 13 - Aquarius becomes a
lifeboat !
Hand signed by Gene Kranz & Sy
Liebergot with Sy's actual words
to "Flight". They were
"Flight, We'd better think
about gettin' in the LM.. 4/13/70".
Both Kranz AND Liebergot hand
signed in gold paint pen.
Note: Dust marks/streaking are
scanner artifacts. Actual
images are perfect.
Hand signed MCC emblem (designed
by Artist Robert McCall)

Sy works the console during
the Skylab program
(with border)
Sy works the console in a
photo aken durng Apollo 8.
As you can see he stands
next to Fred Haise. Sy
adds the mission info that
is his claim to
fame...."Apollo 13 EECOM".
Images of Sy standing with
this clear of a view are
difficult to find.
Here you see him with his
headset as well as the pipe
that was one of his MCC
#Libergot 9
Sy works the console in a
photo taken durng Apollo 8.
As you can see he stands
next to Fred Haise. Sy
adds the mission info that
is his claim to
fame...."Apollo 13 EECOM".
Images of Sy standing with
this clear of a view are
difficult to find.
Here you see him with his
headset as well as the pipe
that was one of his MCC
#Liebergot 9A
Sy Liebergot & Actor Clint
Taken on the set of the set
of the film, "Apollo 13".
Hand signed by Apollo EECOM,
Sy Liebergot and Actor Clint
Howard (who portrays our
favorite EECOM). Great
#Libergot/Howard (a)
Sy Liebergot & Actor Clint
This scene from the film,
"Apollo 13" hand signed by
Apollo EECOM Sy Leibergot
and the actor who portrays
him, Clint Howard.
Very nice!!
#Liebergot/Howard (b)